Bible: Daily Devotionals
Every weekday the Growing Disciples team posts a 10 minute 'daily devotional' covering a small part of the bible text, following biblical narrative throughout the year...
Every weekday the Growing Disciples team posts a 10 minute 'daily devotional' covering a small part of the bible text, following biblical narrative throughout the year...
Subscribers have a video emailed to them, or you simply jump onto this site each day, or you can subscribe to the Growing Disciples Podcast. For best results, we suggest that you read the bible text for yourself first, then play the daily devotional, and then respond to God in prayer.
Daily devotionals are a good introduction, helping to explain the main of ideas of the text without getting overly technical. As devotionals, they aim to enrich our relationship with God rather than turn us into academics!

Growth Exercises
The Growth Exercises in this course are intended to strengthen us spiritually, often by creating new patterns or habits in our life with God...
The Growth Exercises in this course are intended to strengthen us spiritually, often by creating new patterns or habits in our life with God...
A bit like going to a gym, they require a bit of effort initially, with the payback coming slowly but surely. In some traditions these 'Growth Exercises' are called 'Spiritual Disciplines' and they include things like Christian meditation, prayer, solitude, simplicity, rest, worship, service, and celebration.
For centuries Christians have valued such disciplines, playing a unique role in growing us deeper with God.Throughout the year, each month, we aim to introduce these one at a time so that we can try them out. Each month is broken down further into four 'weeks' in which to try out another aspect of each Spiritual Disicpline.

Bible: Reading Guide
Going a little further in reading the bible, each month the Growing Disciples team publishes a Reading Guide for the current part of the biblical narrative, starting from Genesis and finishing at Revelation...
Going a little further in reading the bible, each month the Growing Disciples team publishes a Reading Guide for the current part of the biblical narrative, starting from Genesis and finishing at Revelation...
The first step in this reading guide directs us to some of the Key Moments in the text, inviting us to 'slow down' and consider some of the implications of what we are reading. Sometimes, this will take the form of some questions to consider.
At other times, we will be directed to resources, articles or books that might help to illuminate this part of the bible. Digging deeper in these Key Moments in the text will greatly enrich your appreciation of God's plan of salvation, from beginning to end.The final step of the monthly Bible Reading Guide offers a daily reading plan. By reading 4-5 chapters of the Bible each day, you complete the whole Bible in a year.
The Growing Disciples daily reading plan broadly follows our movement through the biblical narrative, although sometimes complementary Old Testament readings are paired with our New Testament journey.
The Growing Disciples team publishes a monthly Reading Guide for each part of the Bible, starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation. The guide includes key moments to consider and additional resources.
It also provides a daily reading plan to read the entire Bible in a year by reading 4-5 chapters per day, following the biblical narrative with some complementary Old Testament readings.

The currency of any relationship is communication. Prayer— our responsive communication with God— is therefore central to the life of a disciple...
The currency of any relationship is communication. Prayer— our responsive communication with God— is therefore central to the life of a disciple...
Rather than ‘teach’ us about prayer, the purpose of this part of the Growing Disciples course is to provide us with useful resources, models, examples, and stimuli to expand the scope of our prayers. In addition to praying around the immediate needs of our family and friends, we'll also learn to pray around the world.
Each month we will explore the prayer needs of a particular ministry or people group, learning to pray beyond our everyday sphere. We will also sample certain traditions of prayer that may be unfamiliar to us or follow a particular theme in prayer. Overall, the Prayer component of the Growing Disciples course aims to 'broaden our horizons' in prayer.